And I apologize for the almost unreadable formatting, a severe limitation of MacUpdate itself, which compresses maximum text into minimum space, leaving no whitespace for readability. Saying that program X is great and I don't know what I'm talking about, please save your breath. But if all you can come up with is 5 stars and a sentence or two

I will rate all these programs with one star, probably one more than they deserve. If I have missed any programs that should be on the list, please leave a comment and let me know. The user is well-advised to read any program documentation and make a RELIABLE BACKUP before attempting any changes. ) Some of these programs are notorious for being little more than malware. Macs simply do not need "cleaning." (See for example:

True experts in macOS maintenance advise against using any of them, because in general they serve little useful purpose and they can easily do more harm than good. Most of theĭevelopers' descriptions boast about what a great job they do, but the truth is, there are no good, comprehensive, head-to-head reviews of these programs by impartial 3rd parties. Many - probably the most accurate and honest - have negative reviews, by users who have been burned by them. Many have what look to be essentially fake 5-star reviews with no useful commentary. There are 40 in the list, and it seems like new entries in the 'Mac cleaner' market space pop up every day, metastasizing like a cancer. (I did a search for 'cleaner'.) If MacUpdate will let me, I intend to post this every time a new or updated version of one of these things shows up on this site. As a public service to the MacUpdate community, I've found as many of these "cleaner" apps on this website as I could and listed them them below.
This is not a review per se, it is a discussion of the class of software to which this program belongs.


You can scan your Mac to look for any type of file and get rid of them in a matter of seconds.ĭr. Don’t forget that large and duplicate files can also be a problem. Just as easily, you can get rid of all the junk or unwanted files that are taking up space on your computer. When this reaches worrying levels, you can free up space with the click of a button. You can view the percentage of memory used at all times. Cleaner Pro helps you optimize your Mac’s memory use. If you’re looking for a tool that can help you manage your computer, then you’ve found one of the best alternatives on the market.ĭr. Cleaner Pro is an excellent program that helps you make sure that your Mac is running and working at its highest capacity and will keep doing so in the future.